Pecos, our #1 favorite and ONLY commenter, mentioned the Bots Master Cartoon from the 90s in a comment the other day. Props to Pecos.
I wasn't as familiar with it as I should have been. The intro is a bad (I still like it) white guy style rap theme that resembles, to some extent, the same hip-hop fusion that The Leaders of the New School brought to the two albums they produced in the early 90s. L.O.N.S. were part of the Native Tongues, their first album was produced by the Bomb Squad of Public Enemy fame, and Busta Rhymes was in the group.
So I was able to get the mp3 of the Bots Master Theme but I had to turn to "The World's Greatest Bots Master Page" on the internet to get the LYRICS to the song, which are impossible to understand.

Looking at the style of the old web page it warmed my heart to think that other splinters of the Sixth Borough can still turn up, simply on the World Wide Web. Looking at "The World's Greatest Bots Master Page" made me think that back in the day, before the Sixth Borough broke apart, this very page could very well have been a part of Salamander Street, the place that used to have Bartunik's Arcade in the alley, where they sold peanut butter sandwiches and Lime Rickey's at the snack bar. I can't PROVE that the "The World's Greatest Bots Master Page" is legitimately a transformed piece of the 6th, but I'm pretty sure. Do you feel me?