Tuesday, September 11, 2012

99¢ Electronics War

Who do you support?  For me it's Trisonic, then Sonitek, then Powtech, then Telstar.

I did some research.  Hard, internet computer keyboard research.  I went to the Trisonic site and it turns out that they own all the other brands except for Telstar.  In fact they have another brand, Trihome plus there's also Sonitech, instead of Sonitek sometimes.  Why?  To take over the world, obviously.

Here's the "about them" part from their website.  Apparently they've been trying to control our minds for more than twenty years.  The parent company is called Eastern America Trio Products, Inc.

As for Telstar, doesn't seem to be affiliated with the Trisonic peoples but they also have another brand called Electra.  Why is this important?  Well, these guys are responsible for keeping all of us connected.  They dominate at the 99¢ Stores, and have made their way into many Hardware and Drug Stores.  Everyone has a cable or light socket from one of these guys.  The sci-fi side of me wants to imagine a war for humanity, fought through these competing brands, who have somehow taken control of us.

Here's the "about" from Telstar.  You gotta love the last paragraph.  "Don't be fooled by similar looking items that offer less quality."  How did these people get into this business?  It seems crazy!!