I asked him, "Why not just stay old and go to O'Hanlin's or McGivney's or Tootsie's Bar and Grill?"
He said, "Why do anything?" This idea actually is a perfect example of Mr. P's method. You take the
long way around so that if you fail, you still have your insanity to fall back on as a career.
A complex man. That's a complete collection of Pee-Wee's Playhouse dolls in the china closet
behind him by the way. He even has a full-size Billy Baloney puppet but he won't let me play with it,
he keeps it in its original box, inside a garbage bag, inside a room in his apartment that mostly
resembles the depths of hell. I'd sneak in there and play with it, but there's a troll at the door who
asks you riddles, and there's a lava moat, plus it's also where Mr. P keeps all his old poetry notebooks,
and if one of them starts talking to you, you're finished, all they do is cry about the good old days. |