The story takes a turn for the unexpected when Gus, the Satyr, deduces that one of the partners has been stealing money from the register. That's why their profit margins have been so thin! |
Gus blames Chris, the Abominable Snowman. |
Clarence, the Mummy, is like, "I bet it was Klondike, the Sabretooth Tiger. Everyone knows you can't trust Sabretooth tigers." |
That's when Klondike calls Clarence a racist and eats him. |
Polonia, the Vampire, laughs. "I always hated that smelly Mummy!" |
"You do have a temper problem," says Klondike. |
"Look who's talking! You've eaten half of our customers, Klondike! You keep pulling the 'but-I'm-technically-an-extinct-animal' card, but enoughs enough!" |
"A sabretooth tiger cannot live on marshmallows alone," says Klondike. |
"Beggars can't be choosers," chides Doug. "But what are we going to do now?" |
"About what?" asks Chris. |
"About Polonia, you bloody imbecile! She was our tailor and a damn fine tailor too. She could hem my pants without me even trying them on." |
"I've never seen you wear pants," says Chris. |
We should open a restaurant instead!" says Gus. |
"What will we serve?" asks Chris. |
"MARSHMALLOWS!" they all scream. |