FUN FACT: The Dead Zebras were the #1 gang out of the 6th Borough, which eventually became Zebra Council, a respected, yet corrupt, labor organisation most credited with its part in the emancipation of Zaghaven, even if it was at the cost of our proper representation in the accepted reality of Time and Space. Zebra Council is still very active in Community Youth, Vigilantism, and Construction Contracting in the 6th Borough's advanced efforts in colonizing the Caves beneath the 11 Train and beyond: AKA Tunnel-life. (The most successful TUNNEL contract is the 7-sub-story Venusian Mall that runs perpendicular to Sorgum Ave. and is buzzing with teenage hormones, great deals, and all sorts of criminal filth.) Other successful Tunnel settlements are mostly city-housing, which Venusians fight over tooth and nail. Not only is the housing cheap, it's warm. And Venusians are very cold. |