Please welcome a new contributor to the Frankie's Apartment team, Flatbush Brown.
You can see some of his illustrations
These are some sketches that Flatbush did, as we continue to work it out. I colored some in, just to see.
I like the idea that the Frankie part is snow, turning into yellow snow, which is a great, sort-of peculiar,
disgusting thing of the City. Originally I suggested that it
could be slime, because Flatbush draws good slime. Which is a powerful asset.
So officially, this is drawn like slime, not snow. Just so you know. |
This is one of the original sketches that Flatbush sent me. He sort of thought it was too "sketchy" to
publish, but I think it looks great. The process is the show. |
The idea was that we could get the slime-Frankie falling, but when I colored it in and saw
that it could be snow - it seemed more New York, more apartmenty. |
Flats also drew this Frozen F-Apt. It's good. |
A nice, calm rendition of the Yellow Snow logo. |
A sketch meant for roundiness. |
This is the full size logo with Flatbush Brown's dimensions intact. I squooshed the logo a little bit.
I would never do this to a final. |
And here it is colored in so we can see it with the Slime. |