Well kids, we've finally made it there. Or here. It's COLORING BOOK SATURDAY!!! And that means we're gonna have a ton of fun with crayons, markers, or Photoshop. You can either print out the page from here or you can drag it into Photoshop! Ask your parents how to do it. Or if you're a big person, like me, do it yourself. You can also just enjoy the busted old drawings, if you like!
Sometimes, when I'm fliping through my vast collection of Coloring Books, I wonder to myself, who were the artists that used to book these gigs? Did they care? Did it make them happy? Were they doing it instead of making serious art? Were they bummed? I feel like you can get a sense of the illustrators being bummed out. Especially in some of the more wack-o getover coloring books (AKA the best ones).
This one's colored in, just to start you off right. If only peanuts were really yellow like this.